Real, Implied and Imagined

Threats can emerge within any type of divorce war and be expressed through some type of physical violence, emotional abuse, financial control or threats through children. They are classified into three categories: real, implied, or imagined. Each one of them can be very dangerous. This chapter helps asses these threats and provides the appropriate actions to handle them effectively and safely.

Chapter 9 Sample Excerpt:

Mort missed the turn again. It was the third time in a week. This is nuts, he thought as he slapped his right palm against his forehead. He’d taken the same route to work for seven years in a row! Out loud, he berated himself: “What the hell am I doing?”


Thinking hard.

Mort was distracted—riveted to the mental picture of his newly estranged ex-wife, Laverne, who one week earlier, when he had confessed his three-year extramarital affair to her and asked for a divorce, said nothing. Instead she looked him squarely in the face. Coldly. She registered no emotion, yet her eyes sent a sinister message. Mort continued to put the incident on rewind, playing it over and over again. His imagination was working overtime. What did that look mean???