The first part of the assessment has to do with monetary issues and assets. The first series of questions are for those of you who are thinking about or beginning the divorce process.
I have a bank account(s) in my own name
Yes ____
No ____
I have a bank account(s) with my spouse
Yes ____
No ____
I have no bank account(s) at all ____
I have real property, such as a home, land, time-share condo or other dwelling in:
My own name ____
Joint title with my spouse ____
All property is in my spouse’s name ____
Was this property acquired
Before marriage ____
After marriage ____
During marriage ____
The money for this property was acquired from
Joint funds ____
Funds I/spouse had pre-marriage ____
A gift to me ____
A gift to my spouse ____
A gift to both of us ____
Inheritance by me ____
Inheritance by my spouse ____
Neither of us owns property ____
I have stocks and bonds and other investments in
My own name ____
Joint title with my spouse ____
All assets are in his/her name ____
These assets were acquired
Before marriage ____
After marriage ____
During marriage ____
Neither of us have investments ____
These assets were acquired from
Joint funds ____
Funds I had pre-marriage ____
Funds my spouse had pre-marriage ____
A gift to me ____
A gift to my spouse ____
A gift to both of us ____
An inheritance by me ____
An inheritance by my spouse ____
I have credit cards in
My name only ____
Joint accounts with my spouse ____
Credit cards are in his/her name only ____
I have a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement that includes stipulations for all my property and assets as separate property.
Yes ____
No ____
I have complete knowledge with regard to all joint liabilities and the liabilities of my soon to be ex.
Yes ____
No ____
Not sure ____
If your answer is yes, please list them.
Do you have any lines of credit, ATM cards, or open accounts where cash can be made available?
Yes ____
No ____
Not sure ____
The following is for those of you who are completing the divorce process or who have been divorced for one or more years.
I am financially dependent upon my ex for
Child Support ____
Spousal Support ____
I have property and assets (includes cars, boats, etc) in
My name only ____
Still jointly with my ex ____
Everything is in his/her name ____
I have no property or assets ____
I have credit cards in
My name only ____
Jointly with my ex ____
Credit Cards are in his/her name only ____
I have credit cards (lines of credit, ATM cards) of my own
Yes ____
No ____
With regard to the Golden Rule, who has the greater financial net worth?
Me ____
My ex ____
With regard to the Golden Rule, who has the greater income?
Me ____
My spouse ____
If the answers to the above questions reflect autonomy from your ex, that is, you have bank accounts, property, assets and credit cards in your name only, then flip the pages to the end of the chapter, and under “Money, property, wealth,” give yourself one point for each question that indicates your independence under “In Control.” If you have accounts, property, assets and liabilities jointly with your ex, give yourself one point in the “Somewhat in Control” space. If the property and assets you share (shared) with your ex are in his/her name only, put a “1” in the section for “Out of Control.” If some of the assets that rightfully belong to you are in his/her name only, that is another reason for a point in the space allotted to “Out of Control.”
If you are divorced and financially dependent upon your spouse to pay your monthly living expenses, add one to “Out of Control.” If, on the other hand, you have a job with income you can rely on to pay some, or a good portion, of your living expenses, give a number one to “Somewhat in Control.” If you stash your ex’s spousal or child support payments in an interest bearing account and use it at will, mark a number one down under “In Control.”